Tokio (SEGA) smartphone review

During my last trip abroad, I had the chance to test under everyday use the Tokio smartphone. You can find the Tokio products in a Sega Prize Locker, Axe Master, Key Master or Key Master Giant prize arcade game. Tokio Technology is a Sega electronics brand. They sell prizes and merchandise for the arcade games mentioned above….

Chromecast review

As you most probably have heard, Google’s Chromecast made it on this side of the Atlantic. I was looking forward to it because it was promised to be quite good. It would turn any TV to a Smart TV. It would have BBC iPlayer, Netflix, YouTube, and other TV and streaming services. I was actually…

Everything Home

If you have an Android phone, stop what you are doing (no, actually carry on reading my wonderful blog), go to Google Play and download Everything Home. I have always been skeptical of revolutionary ways to do things differently than we are used to, but in this case… I have to agree with everybody else….


Some years ago I registered the domain Initially I was using it only for email. When I started sailing, I decided to start a blog the Captain’s Log. I used Blogger, but there was an option where it would automatically upload the files to my website via FTP. So for the last 6-7 years…