
Announcement: This morning the postman delivered a book, for me, from Amazon, that I haven’t ordered. I am trying to find out who sent it, so I can thank him/her. If by any chance it’s you please let me know so I can stop searching. Thank you very much, I am sure I will find some really useful information. For every body else the book is titled “Advanced Racing Tactics”.

Today I was supposed to do a bit of training, before the race with Steve. We had arranged to meet early. I arrived in time, but unfortunately he was held up at work. I really don’t mind that, I mean work comes before fun. I had too much time to rig a Laser so I was really relaxed. With the other Laser sailors we help each other, so I had time to help a couple of them, without being worried that I won’t be ready in time.

Quite windy conditions today, so a couple of people told me that I shouldn’t go out. I asked David and Colin if they thought that it would be unsafe, but they both said that it was OK. We even joked about it and since last Wednesday I capsized and the weather conditions seemed very similar I thought that today we would see if it was my or the boat’s fault (last week I had a boat with a cleat block and I couldn’t uncleat the mainsheet quick enough).

I went out, my start was quite bad and soon enough I was left behind. The wind was shifting a lot and it had loads of gusts. It made things quite difficult. I was soon left trailing behind but I carried on. At some point I almost capsized. I still have a sore thumb and I could hold the tiller any tighter and it lost grip and slipped off my hand. I got into an involuntary gybe but I managed to squeeze myself under the boom. I controlled the boat with my body, brought it to a reach, got hold of the tiller extension again, sheeted in and I was off. Quite quick reaction and I am happy about it.

Today I used my newly acquired burgee, it was given to me after the Open last Sunday, but it didn’t seem to be working very well. I don’t know if it’s faulty or if it has to do with true and apparent wind. I have to ask a couple of the chaps at the bar, next Sunday. When I was on the downwind leg and everybody was running, my burgee was showing that the wind was coming almost from the side. I don’t know if any dirty wind that leaves the sail goes to it and affects it. I know someone had told me that it’s better to have a burgee at the masthead and a wind indicator at the bottom of the mast. I think this is the next purchase I need to make.

Anyway, I didn’t really finish the race because the wind was not steady at all and it was getting late. Next Sunday I am on Safety Boat duty, so don’t expect an exciting entry, unless something changes, or we have a strong breeze.

P.S. Earlier this week we had a comment on last Sunday’s entry. It was the first one, so I think it has some significance. At least someone reads this. Thanks John.