Middle Nene Open Meeting

This morning I met Steve nice and early at the club to go to Middle Nene. I had loaded Bubble on Steve’s trailer yesterday, with Pete’s and Joe’s help, so we were ready to go. When I arrived Steve had already tied his boat, I fitted the light-board at the back and we were off….

First at the Windward Mark

Since tomorrow we cannot sail because of the RS200 Open Meeting, some of us decided to sail with the BTYC crowd today. I was late for the first race due to heavy traffic, so I rigged my boat and went out for the second race. Light wind and quite shifty. I got off the start…

Strong Wind, Bad Start

Today we were expecting wind at just 10 knots. It turned out to be, maybe slightly higher and gusting to 20knots! It made things more difficult than expected but exciting in the same time. There were quite a few capsizes before even the start. The start line was very close to the wall and this…

High Numbers, Good Battles

The forecast for today was light winds. It was a bit more windy than expected, so we enjoyed it. There were about 20 boats on the water, although only 17 signed on for the first race and 19 for the second. I had really good first start. I was on starboard with many others on…

The Low Point

Light wind this evening and although I had a good start, things got worse. I was almost first off the line but I needed to get on the other side of the lake. Anyway, at some point the fleet was split into to two groups. I was leading the second group and I was sailing…