Month: August 2014

New record on Sevenstar Round Great Britain and Ireland race

I have been watching with anticipation to see if Musandam-Oman Sail would manage to do the Round the Great Britain and Ireland in a new record time. The time expires at 12:59:14 BST. Since this morning I have been checking Marine Traffic website to see the progress of Musandam-Oman Sail. I was hoping that it…


Heads! Duck! Boom! Gybing!

Anyone who has been on a sailing yacht, has heard one of the above calls. Let me tell you something, booms do not give way. They are not soft, they have no padding, they do not flex and they usually go very, very fast whilst gybing and carry loads of energy. They are made of…

Round Britain and Ireland Race is a Go

Today after some wait for Hurricane Bertha to pass, started the Sevenstar Round Britain and Ireland Race has started. Despite the delays for Bertha to pass, and with less than 12 hours since the race started there have already been 2 retirements. Sir Robin Knox-Johnson’s Open 60, Grey Power, split the mainsail and Concise 8’s mainsail track is coming…

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